Environmental policy
Matinkylän Huolto Oy´s business model is to "provide basic services related to living and working in the area with such high quality that they make the area good to live and work in". This also includes taking environmental perspectives into consideration in all of our property maintenance and management operations.
We always aim to choose the least environmentally harmful alternative. To achieve this goal, we train our personnel to recognise environmental factors.
Well organised property management enables us to significantly extend the lifecycle of properties and reduce the environmental impacts of using and maintaining properties.
The most significant environmental impact area is related to managing energy and water use in properties. We play the relatively indirect role of monitoring, reporting and communicating consumption information, but we can also react quickly if something is out of the ordinary.
The most significant environmental impact areas of our own operations include procuring and using the equipment required for looking after and cleaning outdoor areas. When we acquire new equipment, it must be more environmentally friendly than our existing equipment. We aim to minimise exhaust emissions, noise and unpleasant smells, as well as other negative consequences of using equipment. We also aim to use the most economically appropriate and environmentally friendly technology and working methods.
We aim to acquire equipment that bears EU and Nordic environmental symbols.
We comply with all environmental legislation and official regulations and we constantly monitor changes to these.
In addition to this, we aim to continuously improve the environmental awareness of our customers, partners and other stakeholders. The best way to save energy, improve waste disposal and ensure general environmental cleanliness and comfort is to work together. We also require our subcontractors to commit to the principles of our environmental policy in their own operations.
All of our personnel have approved the aforementioned environmental principles and are committed to complying with them. The maintenance company´s management is committed to continuously developing and improving its environmental affairs.
Matinkylän Huolto has always had an eye on environmental matters. Now we aim to make them an ever more integral part of our day-to-day operations. In environmental matters, we favour a preventative approach over dealing with negative consequences.