Sauna times
As a resident in one of our customer companies you can contact our customer service point for information about available sauna times in your housing company´s shared sauna facilities.
You can reserve and cancel a sauna time by phone. Please note that you may need to collect a separate key to the sauna from our customer service point. Depending on your housing company, you may also need to pay a deposit for the key.
It is a good idea to reserve and cancel sauna times well in advance, including if you move out, so that there is enough time to arrange changes to the times when the sauna is switched on.
You will be charged a utility charge for the sauna time as set out in the housing company´s budget. The utility charge will be charged along with the rent or service charge for your home. If you have any questions about utility charges, you can contact our service charge unit directly. You can also contact your property manager´s rent supervision service.